Our company is engaged in facility management services. Our responsibility to our customers is to provide optimal facility services, routine maintenance, cleaning arrangements, security management, workforce management, communication and reporting, and reporting compliance.
Corporate Responsibility
Commitment and Program
As a company engaged in facility management services, education is important to ensure our staff have the knowledge and skills needed to carry out their duties. Some of the forms of education we carry out include staff training, certification and licensing, career development programs, use of technology in increasing knowledge, meetings and seminars.
Our company’s commitment to the environment is to create a positive impact on the environment such as prioritizing environmental sustainability, increasing energy efficiency, waste management according to procedures, resource conservation, employee education and awareness.
Commitment to the community is an important aspect of our corporate social responsibility, such as empowering local communities, social and humanitarian initiatives, education and skills programs, emphasizing environmental sustainability, partnerships with non-profit organizations, transparency and responsibility.